Page 5 - Key to Social Studies 6
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Let’s                                                                            Home
                           Let’s Connect        Let’s Think                 Let’s Do                         Pages
            Observe                                                                          Connection
            Prominent      North America        What if North America had  Map of            Reviewing the   8–19
            physical       before vs.           never been discovered by    North            importance
            features       after European       the Europeans?              America          of North
            in North       colonization                                                      America and
            America                                                                          its location
                                                                                             and physical

            Prominent      South America        The physical features and   Map of           Reviewing the   20–31
            physical       before vs.           colonization in South       South            importance
            features in    after European       America                     America          of South
            South America colonization                                                       America and
                                                                                             its location
                                                                                             and physical

            A closer look  The United States’   The most important          Map of the USA Reviewing the     32–43
            at two states   economy then and    physical features and the                    importance
            in the USA     now                  USA’s role in the world                      of the USA
                                                                                             and its location
                                                                                             and physical

            Major          Canada before vs.    Physical features and       Map of Canada    Reviewing the   44–55
            provinces in   after European       industries in Canada                         importance
            Canada         colonization                                                      of Canada and
                                                                                             its location
                                                                                             and physical

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