Page 8 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 8

Essential               Words to                              Let’s Learn
                 Lesson                                                    Let’s Learn
                                Question                Know                                  More
            9    Mesoamerican  What are some            harvest            Mesoamerican       Were there any
                 Civilizations  other important         plaza              civilizations      independent
                                early civilizations     obsidian                              civilizations that
                                in the Americas?        excavated                             developed in
                                                        floating                              Mesoamerica?
                                                                                              What is the reason
                                                                                              behind the Inca

                                            Reading Time: The Indigenous People

            10   The            How did the             Renaissance        About the          Who were some of
                 Renaissance    Renaissance             humanist           Renaissance        the key figures of the
                                start?                  clergy                                Renaissance?
                                                        civil war

            11   The Age of     How did the             celestial          The explorers      Were the Spanish and
                 Exploration    Age of Exploration      navigation                            Portuguese the only
                                start?                  cape               Treaty of          Europeans to explore
                                                        expedition         Tordesillas        the Americas?
                                                        colonize                              What is Jamestown?

                                               Reading Time: World Exploration

            12   The American  Why did the              migrated           The American       Was there a Second
                 Revolution     Americans               loyalty            Revolution         Continental
                                revolt against Britain?  restriction                          Congress?
                                                        independent        The First
                                                        aggressive         Continental        How did the
                                                        federal            Congress           Americans make their

                                          Reading Time: The American Revolution
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